

Simply put, the calisthenics definition is using your bodyweight and gravity to perform exercises (some of which are pretty intense) using good form. What’s great is that it does not require a gym membership and could include various activities such as gymnastics, Pilates, running, squats, lunges for great leg, crunches, jumping and walking, just to name a few calisthenics workout ideas.

A more common term for calisthenics today is bodyweight training. Regardless of what you call it, this type of training can be the core of a fitness plan or used in conjunction with other training programs, including cardio workouts, HITT workout (including my Burst training), marathon or triathlon training, weight training or all sorts of other exercise. Mixing it up is a great way to ensure that you are working all of your muscles and can provide a healthier way to fitness.

There are many types of calisthenics workouts; push-ups and pull-ups are most common. Push-ups are one of my favorite calisthenics exercises because they build strength in numerous areas of the body and can be done anywhere. You can achieve great muscle development without lifting a single weight.

Performing push-ups, for instance, strengthens the muscles in your chest, shoulders and triceps while also strengthening you core. You can add variety by doing push ups on a medicine ball or adding a clap between each one. One of my favorites is the spiderman push up which works the obliques by bringing the knee up towards the arm as you lower into the push-up.


Pull-ups are great for working your back and biceps. The most popular style is with the palms facing forward; however, the chin-up, palms facing towards you, is a great challenge, too. While you can do these using a pull-up bar at the gym, you can also perform them with a sturdy tree branch or find a bar at a nearby park. There are some options available for installation in doorways of your home, as well. 

Another type of calisthenics workout is the abdominal workout. For many, having a six-pack is the ultimate goal. While having a six-pack can be awesome, it’s really more about losing abdominal fat for an overall healthier body.

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